A treat for every WOMAN, every BODY
Every woman deserves to look her best. And in today’s world where body positivity has become a slogan for every girl, it allows women and girls to hold themselves in high regard when it comes to dressing up. And what other way could be more powerful and attractive then using waist trainer?. Internet went crazy wen Kim kardashian used a waist trainer under her dress at the met gala in 2019. And boy what a difference it made. Tabloids exploded with her pictures and magazines wrote lengths about her fierce look. Thanks to these influencers and celebrities, shape wear has gained a lot of momentum offline an online(a mere search on Instagarm will give you millions of results).
Our Story
Atbuty came into being with a vision that involved changing the way women get dressed or perceive shape wear. Looking for the most comfortable and supportive shape wear isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. In our opinion, a shaper or waist trainer should be made with the softest fabric, should be comfortable and easy to wear while giving a sexy or a modest vibe.
Not only good-looking but also comfortable.
Brand Goals
Atbuty is setting new standards in the shape wear industry by introducing shapers for every woman and every body type. We are committed to bringing innovative solutions to our customers.
• Shape the shape wear industry by introducing new designs that are equal parts comfortable, sexy and modest.
• Help women of today empower themselves through their dream body.
• Help women make effective choices when it comes to choosing the best shapers and waist trainers.
• With dozens of choices to choose from we have solutions for every woman be it a sexy shape wear or a modest one.

• Embracing your feminine energy to explore what makes you unique.
• Encourage women to be body positive while at the same time take control of their own body.
• Products for every body and every woman.
• Deliver the best quality products.
• Make the entire process seamless from design to production to delivery.
• Keep every woman’s body shape in kind when designing the product.
• Atbuty diverse product line has helped it grow its client base and compensate for the losses in one product area with gains in another.
• Our ongoing social media presence on various platform has helped our e-commerce store to expand and is continuing to do so by developing strong relations with our clients.
• Our brick and motor store is major strength factor for us. It ensures easy access of the products to or customers.

• All our products have adjustable dress size. Our body shapers reduce from 1 to 3 sizes immediately. It goes down because the flabby muscles are held tightly and in place.
• We deliver what we say. Our waist trainers and body shapers help you achieve an hourglass figure.
• Our body shapers particularly the high waist one gives back support and also helps in improving posture.
• Our body shapers and waist trainers are equal parts sexy and modest and can help achieve both looks.
• By compressing the muscles our products help you reduce the weight naturally.